KOSA Introduced in the House to #ProtectKidsOnline

U.S. capitol building

WASHINGTON, D.C. | April 18, 2024 – The End Online Sexual Exploitation and Abuse of Children (OSEAC) Coalition, a group of organizations committed to advocacy to further policies that protect children online, applauds the introduction of the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA), H.R. 7891, in the U.S. House of Representatives. The bill was introduced by House Innovation, Data and Commerce Subcommittee Chairman Gus Bilirakis (R-FL), Rep. Kathy Castor (D-FL), Rep. Erin Houchin (R-IN), and Rep. Kim Schrier (D-WA).

“The End OSEAC Coalition commends Reps. Bilirakis, Castor, Houchin and Schrier for introducing this important child online protection bill,” said Coco Lammers, Director of the End OSEAC Coalition. “We are optimistic Congress has voiced a need for legislation that will increase safety for minors online – and we are hopeful that this Congress will be the one to achieve much-needed progress.”

KOSA requires specific safeguards online providers must take to protect minors under the age of 17, increasing protection for children using these online platforms and mitigating harms they may experience. In addition to other provisions, technology companies would be required to provide tools to children, parents, and caregivers; disclose details about their content recommendation systems and targeted advertising; and refrain from facilitating the advertisement of age-restricted products.

“We are grateful that the House will be joining the fight to protect kids online and hopeful for the future safety of all kids. As long as kids have online access they are at risk and it’s prudent to pass legislation to #ProtectKidsOnline. Thank you for setting the tone for a safer online experience for kids,” said a member of the End OSEAC Survivors’ Council.

KOSA was discussed during yesterday’s Innovation, Data, and Commerce Subcommittee hearing titled “Legislative Solutions to Protect Kids Online and Ensure Americans’ Data Privacy Rights.”

“These hearings illustrate the need to provide certainty for Americans to know their rights online, and for businesses to know their obligations on a consistent basis throughout the country,” said Subcommittee Chairman Gus Bilirakis (R-FL).

“Parents should have every tool at their disposal to keep their children safe and big tech companies as we discussed needs to be held accountable,” said Rep. Kim Schrier (D-WA). “The Kids Online Safety Act will make sure that social media companies are held responsible for ensuring a safe online environment for kids whenever possible.”

A Senate version of KOSA (S.1409) was introduced in February 2023 by Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN). It has received bipartisan support, with more than half of all senators signing on as co-sponsors.

About the End OSEAC CoalitionThe End Online Sexual Exploitation and Abuse of Children (OSEAC) Coalition is a U.S. advocacy coalition that aims to improve U.S. government policies and programs to better prevent and address online sexual exploitation and abuse of children and provide appropriate support to survivors. Learn more about our mission to #ProtectKidsOnline: endoseac.org.

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