Protect Kids Online

The End Online Sexual Exploitation and Abuse of Children (OSEAC) Coalition is a U.S. advocacy coalition that aims to improve U.S. government policies and programs to better prevent and address the online sexual exploitation and abuse of children and provide appropriate support to survivors.

Our Main Objectives

To galvanize champions, political will and leadership within U.S. Congress to prioritize the prevention of and response to the online sexual abuse and exploitation of children.

To support and contribute to the development of legislation programs that respond to the gaps and weaknesses within the U.S.’s current legal framework.

To increase U.S budgetary allocations to government-led programs that support the prevention of and response to online sexual exploitation and abuse of children.

Some Key Statistics

Cyber Exploitation

In 2022, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) received more than 31.9 million reports of suspected child sexual abuse materials, representing over 88.3 million images, videos and other files.

Online Abuse

There has been a 600% increase globally in the number of human trafficking cases that were perpetrated through the use of the internet from 2007 to 2018.

Online Predation

Researchers have observed a three-fold increase in self-generated imagery depicting 7-10-year-olds, as they were increasingly targeted and groomed by internet predators on an industrial scale.

Increase In Prosecutions

The number of child sexual abuse material (CSAM) producers sentenced between 2005 and 2019 increased by 422% during that time period.

What Is OSEAC?

Online Sexual Exploitation and Abuse of Children (OSEAC) are “all acts of a sexually exploitative or abusive nature carried out against a child that have, at some stage, a connection to the online environment.” This can include the production and distribution of child sexual abuse materials, grooming, sextortion, and live-streaming of abusive acts.

How To Join

If your organization is interested in learning more about the End OSEAC Coalition or would like to join, please contact us through one of the options listed below.

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