End OSEAC Coalition Calls on Congress to pass the Kids Online Safety Act


The Kids Online Safety Act (S. 1409) has been updated following the Senate Judiciary Hearing on online child safety to reflect a broader range of stakeholder voices.

Washington, D.C. February 20, 2024

The End Online Sexual Exploitation and Abuse of Children Coalition welcomes the recent updates to the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) (S. 1409), led by Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Marsha Blackburn (R-TN). This new version, which follows the Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing with the five “Big Tech” CEOs last month now has the support of 62 bipartisan co-sponsors in the Senate, including Majority Leader Senator Schumer (D-NY), with support from GLAAD and HRC.

Updates to the bill include modifying the “duty of care” provision, which specifies that companies are legally responsible for preventing children from being harmed online through their platform’s design features. Platforms will also be required to create safeguards to protect children’s data, provide parents with safety tools to help protect their children, and limit features that encourage social media usage. “KOSA protects children from a multitude of online threats, including online sexual exploitation and abuse,” says Coco Lammers, Chair of the End OSEAC Coalition. “The bill requires technology companies to ensure platforms are created with user safety as the default setting, and it limits exposure to aggressive and harmful marketing practices. The End OSEAC Coalition is eager to work with members of Congress from both sides of the aisle and stakeholders representing at-risk populations to protect kids online.”

The bill already has broad support from parents and survivor groups, such as the End OSEAC Coalition Survivors Council. “As a survivor of online sexual exploitation when I was a minor, [I feel] the Kids Online Safety Act ensures better protections for children online through parental monitoring and safeguarding,” says Council member Christine Almadjian. “This not only creates a more secure environment for children navigating social media spaces but also establishes accountability for [tech companies] as it pertains to harm against children on their platforms.”

The Survivors Council also shared a statement of support for the developments around KOSA: “Today and every day, we cry out for justice. We hope that lawmakers and tech owners will hear our voices and ensure the safety of children on their platforms. Together, let us work toward a future where our children can grow up without fear, where their innocence is preserved, and where tech leaders prioritize the safety and well-being of every child. The Senate must pass the Kids Online Safety Act.”

The End OSEAC Coalition and the Survivors Council are encouraged by the growing momentum and support for this and other online safety bills, but the time for action is now. The Senate must pass KOSA so that together we can finally, meaningfully, work toward a future where children’s innocence is preserved, they can stay safe online and grow up without fear.

About the End OSEAC Coalition

The End Online Sexual Exploitation and Abuse of Children (OSEAC) Coalition is a U.S. advocacy coalition that aims to improve U.S. government policies and programs to better prevent and address the online sexual exploitation and abuse of children and provide appropriate support to survivors. Learn more about our mission to #ProtectKidsOnline: endoseac.org.

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